Shopclues is a #1 fraud company amongst the online portals in India.You can always see that they have very less branded things and that branded products imported from china kind of countries for a cheap price. All sellers are encouraged by This company which Shopclues help them to sell the product which they couldnt sell in their market. So this company is doing major role in selling the black and blocked products which is not supposed to sell in the market. Since the way they advertise the price looks low but imagine shopclues also will get some money in that product in which the product is not at all worth for the money that they display. You can also see for a key chain worth 11 rupees they mentioned shipping charge is 99 for that matter, I will buy that from the blind people who sells in trains or railway station for 10 rupees.
Indian Government knows about this very well and happily allowing Shopclues since they are also managed by shopclues. Like Shopclues owner every one wants more money but there is always a legitimate way to earn it. We just need more and more complaints going to Cyber crime and consumer courts in order to stop this company cheating the public. For your information viewers I have lost Rs.42, 000 in this company by ordering an HP branded laptop and they sent me an imported piece from China which is not even worth of Rs.25, 000 as told by the Bangalore Market people.
Order #9085563.
So, please add me when you are going against this company, I am always in.
Thank you.