Order id-863597
product-backpack ( collage bag)
order date-3 september
delivery date-7 september
i dont want to issue my order id but I do wanted to experience the problems I have faced after using it and heres my honnest review.i am using shopclues for almost 2 years approx and an average I will buy almost three orders and I have never experienced any bad quality product or any defect which has to build trust in this brand
But I have lost that trust in the brand and their poor servicing.
When my order arrived and after keeping it away for few days due to covid. and after that I have opened it and what I found my bag was tampered and damaged it was all different from the product I have ordered.
when I raised my complaint they said nothing can be done since it has crossed the time it must be used and raised request with jn 1-2 days of delivery.
Tell me one thing
A. in this covid time everyon is keeping away the products they have bought for 2-3 days and using the same.
But as per their rules, we have to raise requests or return within two days then if anything happens and someone gets infected will shopclues take responsibility?
B. The price I have given was for a good product to use and I am ordering back pack for the last two years so how anythimg doubtful will come in my mind because I have always got a good product from your end.
i started requesting call center from the first week of september and on every alternative day, I called them taken help of my buddy even he called them and called them and explained that this is a loyal customer and will not saying anything wrong at least lets take the product and check once but your team said no?
Is your responsibility after getting money gets over? is this how you give service to loyal customers is this how you deal in a proffesional way with the customer. by harassing them?
If days were normal anyone will use the product quiickly but this no normal time I already had bag left after that got over we opened this one and found that this got a defect.
Tell me one more thing accorfing to your loguc one must open and use all products which they are ordering within two days and raise requests. so anyone is doing bulk order why will he open all packets in a go? Then why selleing bulk products? Why will any person be opening all packets and see if the product is right or wrong we got no other work?
All iam requesting to check the product is really has some big issus as it is tamepred teared.
I guess it has defected.
No one helped me with your coustomer care.Now its your choice if you want to retain a loyal coustomer or not.
I dont want a refund I want you guys to check it and give me the correct one.
Expecting your supportive reply.