I hv ordered a product with Order ID 81657553 from the very fake e-commerece website shopclues.com on 11th jan. 2016 n I hv got an sms regarding the dispatch detail dt it hs been shipped on 16th jan 2016 but after dt neither I hv received d product till date nor I m able to trace the shipment details with their courier partner website which dy hv mentioned fr the delivery of the product.
They provide fake details.Moreover I hv contacted their customer support many a times bt dy r always unable to provide sufficient n satisfactory information n always tells us to wait fr 48 hours fr their next response. Their customer service is very irresponsible. SHOPCLUES IS A TRUE EXAMPLE OF FAKE N FRAUD E-Commerce websites. I Think v shuld all F.K ds bullshit Shopclues. They r d real CHORS.