With reference to order id 3687171, 3689601.I bought this product on 25 of May 2013 and still didnt got the refund as the order is cancelled by the seller. I want to warn all the prospective buyers that the refund policy is very painful. They claim to refund the money within 2 weeks but they take their usual time( i.e. 1 month like a government) and if you dont remind them continuously and they might not refund the money.
The customer care on an average takes 15 minutes to pick up the call and the story doesnt end here he might put you on hold again for finding the answers of your queries(in my case about 15 minutes more).
My advice to all the prospective buyer, only go for Jaw Dropping deal (at your own risk too),
and never buy anything more than Rs 2000 as you might end up losing your money.