Fake online shopping at shopclues.com
I never shopped from shopclues.com, but I can definitely say it is bogus. Just look at the Ray ban aviator price and you will come to know how fake these people are. Ray ban aviator sunglasses for under 1000 bucks. I bought aviator from csd canteen(army) for 2400, original price around 4900, and these people are selling for 799/. etc. complete fools. Even if Ray ban manufactures get bankrupt, they would not sell for such a low price. I have shopped from many online shopping, I suggest consumer should double check with the price if it practically correct
Online shopping have its own pros n cons, try to shop from more reliable ones like homeshop18, snapdeal, flipkart, etc. and read the reviews of verified buyers and try to stick to the one which are not delicate in-terms of breakage while shipping and have manufacturers warranty and money-back guarantee. Happy shopping.