After reading the reviews on this site I went to Shoppers Stop. I was amazed that the reviews could be so out of mark. It was a major let down. I would not recommend Shoppers Stop to anyone for buying clothes, shoes etc., If you are interested in buying lingerie, or mens clothing, or if you wish to purchase anything from PlanetM then only go to it.
I went to the shoe section first coz I am crazy after shoes but was very disappointed. There are very old shoe patterns, which are priced very high. Whereas you will find much better shoes at The Oberoi Shopping Mall for an equivalent price. And there was too much of dust accumulated on the racks and on the shoes. It looks like NOBODY BOTHERS TO KEEP IT CLEAN. The clothes are very highly priced for a Shopping Mall in the Suburbs. A Top, which I bought from Crawford Market for Rs.150/-, was priced for Rs. 450/-. Amazing difference for a same quality good. The only thing I liked about Shoppers Stop was PlanetM.