This is not a review! This is outburst from extremely hurt soul of mine and a word of caution for all. Recently myself & wify had extremely bitter experience with Shoppers Stop store in Pune on Old Mumbai Pune Highway.
I shopped for various items for money worth more than Rs. 4000. I purchased a Nike Deo too and person at the counter asked me to collect it from Nike counter after showing the bill. While I was making payment person at the main counter started explaining me about First Citizen Card.
I completely forgot about Nike Deo by then and collected my other stuff from main counter and left. Realizing my mistake, I immediately called store from home and informed them. They told me to get the bill and collect it following day. When I reached shop next day and showed bill, to my shock, they told it was delivered. They took me to customer service desk.
After calling few managers they got Department manager to me. He said that we write “TRX” on pink slip once the product is delivered. And in your case “TRX” is written by person at counter. He also said that our inventory suggest that product was delivered. He was trying to convince me that Im lying. There is serious flaw in delivery process and customers are victim here. The person at counter can easily write “TRX” and keep Deo for himself.
I felt extremely hurt and instead of arguing with manager I just told him one thing, Mr., it’s very simple. I just loose Rs. 245 Deo, you think what you lose! Obviously he does not understand that a customer has no business to come from Kothrud to shoppers stop, in killing Pune traffic, burning 200 Rs. Petrol, just to do a fake claim!
I left immediately, but incident played on mind for much longer. I felt extremely hurt. Why..?Conslusion … well no idea … I could only correct my fault and warn others! and yes...this was my last shopping from any Shoppers Stop!