The fastest e-mail service you can ever get for free especially in India. is a great site. It is a good portal and has come up over the years as quite a competitor for microsofts sites.
Unfortunately many services which Hotmail offers are not available in Rediffs mail like better fonts, and graphics handling. It is not that user friendly as hotmail and is not flexible with its pop3.
Hotmail would take the upper hand in user-friendliness and compatibility with Outlook Express, but it greatly looses out on speed. Rediff is 10 times faster than hotmail and 4 times faster than yahoo mail(dont know about the new servers)
Rediff is also good with the amount of server space it gives you for your mails. It gives 5mb as compared to Hotmails 2mb. So you can load up all your mails in a rediff acount.
Lacking graphics but great speed.
About the rest of the site- I would say it is well maintained, has good loading speed and is a must to visit if you are an Indian sites surfer. It is Indias number one portal and I would definately agree.
Even though I would like them to work on their site design as it looks very lathargic and boring. Better colour combinations and more international content will even make it better than MSN.
They have to work more harder on their messenger which is I think pretty dumb. They havent even tried to popularize it and as far as I know hardly anyone knows about it.
Overall good site to visit but not one for the homepage.