Finally the US elections are over and as expected, every other newspaper and websites had tons of material to print and there was one news in The reporter had sought Obamas opinion on various Indian things like Mahatma Gandhi, Indian Democracy, India - US relations, terrorism etc.
Now a days, I am seeing this sick mentality is becoming common in India media that they seek opinion about Indian things from the people who become famous in the world. Here the field in which they become famous doesnt matter. The opinions are sought not only from famous people in the world but also from people who visit India. Then these celebrities comment about how best culture in the world we have, that our Film industry is so good, that they like India music and cinema, that we are such a large democratic country with different languages spoken everywhere but still we are united, that how Indians value their joint family, that how Indian food is good, that how Indian economy is thriving and soon India is going to be super power in the world. Suddenly someone finds the celebritys link with India and then we call him son/daughter of the soil and then we say Indians are intelligent, best in the world etc. etc. Then we read all this and somewhere our ego gets flattered. We start feeling good for sometime until we are struck upon by a reality.
Everyone knows how much we value our joint family system. People have started separating in the names of various reasons. Had we been united, you would not have seen fights among people from South and North or for that matter, what is happening in Mumbai or North East. Now a days, Bihar is projected is such a fashion that it is like no one wants them in any other state. Hindi people getting beaten up in North East, Biharis getting killed in Mumbai and Tamilian gets beaten up in Bangalore for any silly reason. Is this a sign of Unity? Every state in South is having issues with its neighbouring states. For ex. Karnataka with Tamilnadu on water, with Maharashtra on geographical border, Kerala on same stuff, Goa on Dam. I am not sure about states in North. I can only see hatred among people. Had our economy been really thriving and if India was on the way to become super power, then how is that Maharashtra is seeing power cuts for majority of the day. There are power cuts for as much as 14 hours in some places in rural MH. Is this a sign of a super power? Why we had so many farmers committing suicides? So all this is a reality and people dont want to face it so the questions are posed to celebrities on something which is only a Past and Present is what no one has guts to look at.
I dont remember reading anywhere that Chinese or UK or French or German media asking questions relating to their country to any celebrity or any famous person from India. Now that Obama has become US President, everyone is giving their opinion on how good he is going to be for India. Why do we want him to be good for us?
Dont we have capacity to improve ourselves? For all this string will power is required and right now, we dont have it. Just take the poll, I am sure, 50% the Indians would want to get out of it to go anywhere in the world starting US, Europe and all eastern countries. Of remaining 40%, there will be those from who cant leave due to some family based commitments and then remaining are all those linked to one or the other political party. I guess there are only handful of 10% patriotic Indians who would want to be in India itself.