Gitanjali group ( DDamas?gi Rings a bell?) and Times Group from gitanjalishop. I go with the Gitanjali Name. Ordered an item (order No.9000001283) after written chat transcript confirms that item would be delivered well in time of my requirement. I tell them either by or before that date or no order. They accept, take payment but no delivery. Chat says something, Order page something else, the email confirmation another date and then the CSE a fourth date.
When I asked for cancellation, they say order once placed cannot be cancelled while agreeing the item is not in Stock. They give me a cancellation request id 378878.
I get a call from one wise guy introducing himself as Ashish and trying to teach me law. I told him the breach of trust is at their hands and so not to teach. You know why they are doing this? Appreciation of the cost after I placed the order!
The lesson: The top management may be big but within too unprofessional. Never believe the external coating of a fig.