Just wanted to inform you about the India Times Auction. There are generally multiple things displayed in the list, but you will end up paying almost the same price that you pay in the market. The auctions starts @ 1Re, but then there will always be an insider who will set the price to something that is agreeable to the seller and then the bidding starts from that price onwards.
The auction and the bidding is just an eyewash. I have an excell sheet containing the bid details of April 5th wherien I can clearly guess that the user "swayamdas21" is an insider. On a similar lines this is true for everyday except that the user changes from day to day but the pattern continues. For example for April 11th the insider is "dinkeshrai", for April 12th it is "rawasshris" etc. I tried sending this info to as many as possible, but someone suggested this site to me to reach maximum people.