Order No - 3001802321. My below complaint was made here on the 26th of Dec, till date you irresponsible people never set right the issue, how long will you lazy people take to set right this issue after taking my money ? Do you want me to run after you ? This is a clear case of cheating & fraud, do you understand ? People Beware !
Order No. : 3001802321
You bunch of jokers who always cheat your customers do you think your customers are foolsto put up with your constant cheating ? Instead of sending me the BELKIN 6-WAY SUPERIORSERIES SURGE PROTECTOR for which I have paid you people have sent me the low cost. Essential series though that fake petty shop seller of yours has sent the bill mentioning the. Superior serious which is a serious fraud, I demand an explanation immediately and also to replace the item with the original, brand new one soon.Be warned.I think your website is there only to cheat your customers ?