I have been a regular buyer of things sold online from rediff, ebay etc. this was the first time I decided to check out an auction site. I logged on to Indiatimes and started bidding basically there are couple of things you should keep in mind if you ever think of using this site.
It doesnt matter if it is a Re. 1 auction or a auction with a start price - either ways before the auction ends someone bids for it at the market value, so basically you see the last bid at lets say 10K and then then next minute its at 40K, who would be so dumb to bid so much. This aobviously means that the bidding is manipulated.
Sorting, filtering and searching is made in such a way that its not easy to find things.
Details given for products are mostly incorrect, camera show EOS 350D but shows 5MP, this was never made by Canon. Dont bother checking with customer service, all you would get is an aknowledgement mail.
Now lets say by rare chance you win the auction, the item is sent with the barest minimum, I got a headset with only a charger packed in some old bread packet.
I also had another problem where they called up and said that the payment for an item won by me was declined and hence wanted me to send a draft or give them another card no. Luckily I didnt and then realised that they had already charged my card. they kept calling for the next three days attempting to get more money from me. Sent mails to them with the proof but only got autoreplies.
The worst part is their customer service, it is no doubt toll free but I think they need to pay you to speak to their useless staff. The cant understand english, they dont have a clue of whats going on, they just go on and on repeating "poly wants a cracker, poly wants a cracker", yes right almost like a parrot.
I made the biggest mistake of using this site and I dont want anyone else to get caught in this net. I am starting legal proceedings against them soon. So be very careful.