Though Plastic money and internet have penetrated pretty fast into the Indian market, it is highly ill adviced to buy anything online. You can rest assured that we will not get what is advertised because the online site does not give you any guarantee about the product. Though sites like Indiatimes and Rediff may not be directly involved in the published on their sites, they make it abundantly clear that the products quality is not assured by them.
Though there will be some Policy where we can return the goods for replacement, it is a mess to undergo that process. The material never gets delivered on time and never matches the specifications. As it is our consumer activism is quite low and there is no safeguard for the buyers. So my personal advice is to not venture into online shopping except when u r buying something like a low cost CD or casette.
Recently I ordered a water purifier (ofcourse low cost Rs 320/-) and was shocked to see that they sent me something manufactured in June 2001 and thus expired. So never buy anything on the net.