Order No:3001051726/Case Id. 184255
This has ref to above order no, It was told me on phone by indiatimes shopping customer care representative that this order is been canceled.
I cant understand for the same.
firstly you guys book the order and then indiatimes shopping given me INVALD tracking no-(Courier Name- AFL)(AWB No.- 81592102297123) for the courier and on calling n no of times indiatimes shopping people were communicating. firstly you said that you will receive order by 9th April 2012 as this is the time limit. there after you replied -Please dont worry you will receive your product. Our team is working on it.
Now indiatimes shopping is saying its canceled.WTH
I believe indiatimes shopping belongs to TIMES GROUP which have its professional background & ethics with it.
Have you guys forgotten that .You were simply circumlouting things and finally shown the back.
You should realize every time I call you guys. I have to face mental stress & also pay STD calls which last minimum for 15-20 mins everytime.
who will bear all this.
I hope someone in your senior management read this and will understand that this is flawful transaction from indiatimes shopping end. I need reply why it happened.further what about amount I paid through gift voucher. Further.you have some professionalism besides returning back my money which you will definitely do.I believe you will try to compensate by complementing me.
Kapil Mittal