I bid on an auction on Indiatimes on 10th of this month for a Phillips DVD player. On the webpage, it is clearly mentoned that the item will be delivered in 1-2weeks. To remind them that it is close to 2 weeks after my order, I sent a mail to Indiatimes, when I got a reply that delivery will be in 2-3 weeks from the date of authorization.
Earlier, I had bid for an airconditioner, - again that was delivered a good month after the order, with a lot of e mail chasing. It looks like this time also I have to do the same thing.
It is surprising that such a reputed company employing delaying tactics. Should one like to bid for in an auction he/she must be prepared for a long wait for delivery.
I see a couple of persons on advertising their experience on the auctions webpage who claim to have recived this items within one week. I am yet to meet or hear of such a person