Recently I ordered a "Vox Mobile" from Indiatimes shopping website seeing the " Times of India" Readers offer. What I received was a Mobile handset with its Camera View finder tilted and Display defocussed. The worst part was that it was an already used Mobile by some one else and was returned to Indiatimes as a defective product. This was evident from the messages remained in the SMS inbox ( which I thought they missed to clear off before sending to me ).
Also the reverse pickup & refund process is cumbersome as initially they asked to contact "Aramex" courier who promptly mentioned they will not go for reverse pick up of mobile handsets. I am still waiting for Indiatimes to revert with other courier options who will do a free reverse pickup. It is shame on a reputed firm like "Timesgroup" for supporting such tactics to extract money from people, like resending to products already identified as defective by another customer. NEVER EVER GO FOR SHOPPING WITH THEM SEEING ESPECIALLY THEIR MISLEADING ADS IN THE SO CALLED READERS OFFER"