I want to introduce about my incident: I ordered the new three cotton chinos but later I came to notice that it was offer. The product is not up to the quality and the images shown while I am placing the order is completely differed when I received the product . That day I realized that it was fake and I lost my money for that trash . This is the worst online website ever the most . T
he customers are not responding accordingly . What happened to me I feel like like a joker when think about it. And guys it is still going on. I was suppose to get a refund from the website. But I did not get it. And now it has been more than a 2 months . Never gonna comeback to indiatimes shopping ever. Would surely prefer flipkart or any other site for their customer support. Did not deliver my product fully as per invoice and the support was from bad to pathetic Who did not even try to reach me for the revert on the complaint and abruptly terminated my call. Worst people to shop with .
The deliver damaged products, will not ararange reverse pick up, and once your item reaches their ware house they don;t hold any responsibility to return your money .