After seeing worst review at, I dared to buy at indiatimes shopping, only reason is its low prices and this website is the link from Official nokia website.
On the website its written like 5 days for delivery. Once I bought(17th June), I received a message like expected delivery is 7 days(24th June). I waited for 4-5 days, they didnt even shipped the item, I contacted customer care, every time they said "be assured, product will be delivered by 24th". Today also I contact them, then also foolish customer care people said, sir your product will be delivered by 24th.
On 21st, they gave the AWB number, so I checked status in "", it says product is not available. So again I contacted customer care, they said, product is packed and ready for shipment. Since from 21st-24th it is in same state, packed and ready for shipment. I dont know, how many days/weeks/months/years/decades they need to ship once item is packed.
So I cancelled my product, with this what I come to know is "dont buy products from websites which has worst mouthshut reviews"
In last 4-5 years, I did around 100 online transactions, but I never faced such a worst experience. So what I finally decided is dont buy from Better to buy from other websites.
my order number : 8000063465
My Sincere request is atleast refund my money as soon as possible. I promise that, I will never visit or dare to buy from your website.