My order number is 3002430230 and I have placed an order for galaxy tab 2 on 17th june and till now there is no status updated regarding shipping details and only two days remaining for expected delivery date which is on 24 June, i can not understand why this site is taking too much time to ship product to customer and this is really frustrating.
I had read lot of review before placing an order on indiatimes shopping and because of low price I had place order but now I think I have done mistake placing an order on this site it is better to pay some extra money and place an order on reputed site like Flipkart
still two days to go and I hope I dont get disappointed otherwise you will loose not only one customer but many more customers because I am very frequent online buyer and help my friends to buy from online sites and I had much more plan to buy from indiatimes but looking at this situation I will not buy more from indiatimes
And this is to other customers who are willing to buy from indiatimes , please do not buy any thing from indiatimes and it will block your money and will not ship the product.
I was very unhappy with the time taken by indiatimes shopping to ship the product but they promised me that they would delivered the product on time and they did it.
packing was very good and had proper seal to packing
Now no issue with the site the only problem is communication delay which they are try to work on