Thought of buying a Digital Camera. Found a good deal at Indiatimes Shopping. Odered, mentioned in remarks for date of deliver in 8 days. Called and was confirmed by Indiatimes Shopping Executive too.
Waited till that day for its delivery. Was out of station so called from Pune to Delhi to check. Indiatimes auto reply picks up the phone and the receptionist does not attend. This led me to shed off Rs 300 + just to enquire if my product will be delivered. Finally it said no, after confirming me before. I asked to cancel order and revert my money back. It said 7 days money will be in your account. Waited for 13 more days and camera in my house !!! (now I didnt require it). Asked to tak back. was asked to send it and money will arrive in 15 days (Now this 15 days can be 30 days + sure ). So with all my failed attempts to get my money back I decided to keep the camera.
Do they think customers money is just to throw off without any knowledge where it is.
Everytime I called I was asked Terms and Conditions say 15 days , which they dont say anywhere. Which I used to make them read . A senior useless exec attended me and said it says in any unavoidable conditions like fire, drought etc it can be delayed.
The country didnt go through any such bad state and no truck, bus car strike happened as per my knowledge. So according to me this clause does not fit at all.
Packing of camera was in a food storage box, not Sony box. It is a new camera from Sony then why.
A co. running with any proper management.