Looking at all the things in the market I was thinking to buy a pair of shoes but I wasnt getting any good deal.So I looked around various websites and came to stip at Shopping indiatimes. Looking at the design I was really impressed and bought it through debit card.
After 15 days of calling and everytime them saying it will reach in 2 days I finally got my delievery.Upon receiving the courier guy asked for delievery charges but I said I can give him tip of 20 but not 180 rs shippong charges as I was not told that I have to pay the shipping charges also.But after arguing he took 50 and gave my courier .
Even that was nit good shoes were looking very cheap as if cane from a 100 rs retailer as the quality was really bad and also the color I got was green and I asked for red.
The laces were torn and packing was just for the sake of delivery just a cardboard box no paper stuffing nothing just shoes already with laces.
I called and they said they cant as these shoes dont come under replacement or refund.I had no choice but to keep those 1500 rupees shoes and after 2 months they were torn to pieces .I was really disappointed and cannot recommend anyone to buy from here.