Order Number : 201110-19148 /TIN0418890US 201111-19504/TIN042439SG
Product Name : Cowboystudio 1200 Watt Photography
Order placed in : Oct 2011
Order value increased, post order: Nov 2011
Payment for increase made: Nov 2011 (within 2 days)
Oct 2011 to Jan 2012: Several followups
Order cancelled in : Jan 2012
Amount: Approx Rs. 11, 000 (approx value)
Reason : Shipment is not getting fulfilled in time.
Mode of refund : Card
Refund Time Lines : 12-15 working days
Number of emails sent: 15-16
Number of calls made: 20+
Jan 2012 to Oct 2012: No progress, no material and no refund.
Current situation: Customer care promised on Sep 30th 2012, that they are refunding. They called again on Oct 4th 2012, that they are refunding. Yet no action, no formal confirmation, no tracking number. I called customer care - spoke to Ms Kritika on Oct 5th, 2012 - refund will be done today.
I am really left with no option but to take legal recourse wonder, if someone can guide me, if this can be moved from consumer court to financial/IPC case. I will keep this forum posted, if I actually indeed get the refund.
If you have learned anything from my experience - then learn that, NEVER BUY FROM SHOPYOURWORLD.COM, you will loose your money.
I feel nothing less than being cheated.
Alok Sinha
Update: 09-Nov-2012
The customer service team has been persistent.with me. After refunding my money, they have gone out of their way to give me a goodwill credit of Rs. 1500. However, their portal seems to keep my account locked before finally it was activated after about 2 weeks of follwup.
As of now, my money has been refunded, Rs. 1500 worth of goodwill credit credited to my account.
They still do not want to have or give an office in India and even today, no one senior in the corporation wants to talk to me. I have received my money, I am yet not confident of making another purchase from them any time soon. Once I do that, and they do not mess it up, I would then like to change my opinion about them.