The makers of this film seems to have got stuck in a timewarp – they never seem to have left the ’90s. Sure, the Hindu-Muslim rivalry is a burning issue that still persists in the current times. But the treatment of the subject is as old as the times as the rivalry had begun. There is the usual jingoistic dialogues, very bad junior artistes who often look at the camera and lots of fiery dialogues.
Except instead of the usual suspects like Govind Namdeo and Raza Murad, we have actors like Jimmy Sheirgill and Narendra Jha in villains’ roles.
The direction is totally amateurish. All the director does is give the actor a dialogue, capture his speech, and then capture the listener’s expression ( that too, for some reason, in slow motion) . Some scenes are so laughable that you will be shocked that how the film even got a release.