I was pleasantly surprised to find this topic listed on the MS database. People in other cities may smirk and laugh it off as inconsequential but pertinent it is…especially in metros and other big cities. Advocates are vociferous on both sides of the fence and I thought I’d pitch in a word or two too.
The law of the land lays down broad guidelines that monitor our daily life. The general populace has the freedom to exercise their rights and carry out their day-to-day activities within the ambit of these guidelines. It goes without saying that some people flout them with utter disdain, especially when in “high spirits”. They also tend to consider themselves to be above the law and cause a lot of nuisance to others during such times. Well, I’m not saying that undesirable incidents happen always but they still happen a few times.
The problem arises when people over-drink late in the night and set themselves loose on the roads to do what they like. In such instances they not only lose control over themselves but also end up making life miserable for others. Misbehaving with others, driving/riding in a rash manner, causing accidents, etc. are all the potential perils associated with this.
As with other things in life, there ought to be a specific timing set for the bars and restaurants to close down for customers. Why should they be allowed to stay open beyond 11 PM anyway? Since the main intention of any individual is to chill out by having a few rounds of drinks either casually or by way of a party for friends, they can have all the fun they want to before 11 PM. Most working establishments close by 5:30 – 6:00 PM and that still leaves 5 full hours to get fully drunk, play the fool, get thrown out of the bar/restaurant and maybe spend a night at the “Thanedaar’s guest house” – if that is the intention.
A dedicated job at office and an active social life outside the office are vital ingredients in everyone’s life. We work untiringly in our 9-5 jobs. We don’t go in to office before the stipulated time nor stay back a minute beyond it. Why not have the same yardstick for drinking sessions too? Given a choice, certain people would prefer that bars and restaurants remain open 24 hours a day but at the same time, if these very same people had their way, a lot of things around us would not be what they are right now.
Given all the constraints, I feel that 11PM is a fair enough time to stop entertaining customers. That’s applicable 7 days a week, 365 days a year. There need not be any exceptions to it on holidays or weekends because that could only give rise to more problems, especially from the likes of anti-social elements. After all, life is not all enjoyment. There’s no one to stop us from enjoying ourselves within permitted hours as long as we stay within reasonable limits and cause trouble for others. C’mon guys, one also ought to go home and sleep off the booze and its potential after effects. Getting drunk is surely a form of enjoyment but what’s the use of over-drinking? Too much of anything is bad anyway(hic!)