Frankly speaking, what ever we write on such Topics are not reviews, and rather an debate, so thought of writing this one after reading TICs point of view.
I believe that when something is Taboo, it creates more problems. People should be allowed to do what they want to do, and I beleive that most of us are sane enough to differentiate right from wrong. Impose a rule there would be scores of people breaking it, and in the process creating havoc. Man is a rebel by nature.
About Me and my view
I have a really high-pressure job. I reach office at around 8:30 in the morning and no way I can get out before 9-9:30 PM. It effectively gives me 1 and half hours to find a pub, a place in a pub, beg the bartender to give me my first drink, which in most cases happens to be my last drink cos the bars are taking the final orders when I reach the place.
Does it mean I have to curb my desires, and I cant do something that I want to do because of some stupid rule? I work hard and I believe in giving myself a treat after a hard days work once a while. Does it boil down to a rule when it comes to going to a pub when I want to go and when I have the means? I feel sorry that just becuase I have to work hard to make some decent money, I cant enjoy the little things in life. People who are rich may have a bar in their homes and a bartender to serve them, but all cant afford that.(For all you know, the politicians and thegood citizens who proposed this Rule would be having a whale of a time in their homes with Firangi Scotch)
In what way opening pubs after 11 effect people, bad-elements dont go to pubs, they buy booze in the whosesale marktet and drink in their den. Closing the pubs at 11 no way helps to prevent bad elements from doing bad things. I feel that since the pubs closes at 11 at Chennai, there is more people drinking booze in their cars, and streets and where ever, spawing morebad elements Because: Evil thrives when it provides something to people which is not easily available.
If pubs are not available, I buy booze and take it home and drink, but the feeling is not the same. Spending time with your peers and sharing your thoughts with in a group, meeting new people and listening to loud music is what I miss.
There is a clear distinction between just a Rule and a Rule put in to implement a process. Just a Rule without an associated process is meaningless.
What I feel
I feel that theRule closing the pubs at 11 doesnt serve any purpose what so ever. Let it remain thru out the night, let all people who want to drink or relax go there and enjoy themselves, whats the harm? And believe me, I would be the first one supporting theRule if there were a teeny weeny relationship between pubs not closing at 11 and the latestbad thing that happened in your neighbourhood.