Question Are sports personalities overpaid?
Answer Everyone bitches about how sports personalities are overpaid. Im not going to go into the dollar amounts as Im sure you all know what they are. I could play baseball for one game and at Alex Rodriguez salary make my whole pay for a year. Amazing. Well, guess what? God bless him. Thats what I said. God bless him. Okay, youre probably wondering why and how I can say that.
Reasons There are so many reasons why I say what I do, which is basically that sports personalities are not overpaid, but for the purpose of this review I will just touch on the main ones.
1) You Get What You Pay For Did you ever go to a little league or even class A minor league baseball game? Did you ever watch a bunch of kids play basketball or hockey out on the street? Did you ever watch high school kids or even the best colleges play football? Ever wonder why its not that exciting? Simple, theyre not that good. The men you see playing these sports are the best in the world. They werent given a free pass to these games. They had to earn it. And if you think thats easy, you try it. I bowled for 18 years and the most I ever averaged was 175. Professional bowlers shoot in the 200s like its nothing. And believe me, I worked hard at it. Its just not that easy. The point is, if you want great entertainment, which is what these guys are, then you have to pay for it, both the owners and the fans. Dont like it? Dont go to the games and dont watch. If enough people do that maybe salaries will come down.
2) Careers Are Short Can you imagine having to retire at the age of 33? Well thats what a football lineman has to do at that age. The abuse his body takes is unreal. How would you like to have 300 pound men falling on you? What are these guys supposed to do with the rest of their lives? Most probably dont have other skills. Lets face it, for most kids sports is all they have cause they just dont have the smarts. Not all of us can be Einsteins.
3) The Economy I dont think anyone realizes what professional sports does for the economy. Big sporting events mean big bucks to local business. Without these guys to perform like only they can there wouldnt be these big bucks floating around, which means less money spent which means less jobs which means.well I think you got the point. It is a horrible chain reaction that you dont want to see ever happen especially not in the USA.
Summary I could go on but I think Ive made my point. Do these guys need all the money they make? Of course not. Who needs to make 20 million a year? Do they deserve it? Well until the day comes that someones willing to pay$60 a seat to watch me try to dunk a basketball I say theyre worth every penny of it. Now, lets go Mets!