Well, for those of you who havent watch Shrek 1, here is a recap.
Shrek, (voiced by Mike Myers) is an ogre. He lives in a small house built
out of a tree. He lives alone and doesnt appreciate company, because he
thinks people keep thier distance away form him and they do. It seems
there is a price on his head as well. The donkey, named donkey in the movie
is voiced by eddie murphy ( I cant think of anyone else who cud have done
this role better). A sort of friendship between them develops. Since the
fairy tale creatures have taken up room is his property, Shrek doesnt
like it one bit, and it seems he must talk to Lord Farquaad (voiced by
John Lithgow in order to regain his piece of land. In an wrestling
bout, the lord sees his strength and hits upon an idea. Farquuad liked a
particular princess Fiona who is locked away in a tower which is guarded by a dragon,
and all those who have tried to rescue her have failed fatally. Farquaad
promises to give Shrek back his land if he can rescue the princess
and bring her back to him. The story from here is how Shrek rescues
the princess and how they fall in love and get married..
The actual plot is that Princess Fiona (Voiced by cameron diaz) is under
a spell, she turns into an ogre every evening. This curse can only be broken
by the kiss of a prince. But this curse can go either way as well, if she
is kissed by an ogre she turns into an ogre.
The spell on Fiona seems to have been cast by the Fairy godmother of a land
aptly called Far Far away. And even the dragon seems to be her accomplice.
She has a son called Prince Charming, who she wants to rescue fiona, kiss
her and break the spell and take her back to her parents and become
king of far far away. Mind you, Lord Farquaad seems to be of another
locality. This curse was cast on fiona, bcause the fairy godmother seems to
have removed one from the King of far far away, voiced by John cleese.
I came to conclusion because in shrek 2 the fairy godmother warns him that if
he doesnt unite fiona and prince charming, she will go back on
her promise, and even before meeting the godmother, a lady frog asks
the king, Do I know you? and he nervously replies , Er no, you must
be mistaking me for someone else...
Now on to shrek2, as Shrek kisses Fiona, she is turned into an ogre as well, and
for the time being none of them mind that. But the parents dont know this, they assume that
some prince has kissed her and she has turned into a beautiful princess.
One day they receive a message from the King and queen of far far awy, who are parents of fiona,
to come back to the land and receive thier blessings. Shrek is reluctant to go but is ultimately forced by his wife to.
When they arrive, everyone is shocked to see that the new royal couple
are ogres. They were expecting a prince and a princess.
The parents however dont mind the appearance of thier daughter but they seem disturbed
by their son in law. The godmother and the father however hatch a plan to get rid of shrek and get fiona
married to prince charming, else the godmother will go back on her promise to the king.
Shrek and donkey meet the cute little puss in boots, voiced by Antonio Banderas, who
eventually sides up with shrek and donkey. Shrek steals a portion from the fairy godmothers portion room.
This portion is named happily ever after and is supposed to bestow divine beauty and happiness on the couple
who use it. One of them shud drink it and he/she shud kiss the other before midnight in order to make the
effect permanent. Shrek drinks it and so he and fiona are transformed into a beautiful prince and princess. This happens
out of the city and fiona has not seen shrek, and doesnt know how he looks like now. She hasnt seen prince charming (the
son of the fairy godmother) who tricks her into believing that he is shrek. However she still has her doubts.
Shrek sees this and there is nothing he can do bcos he thinks fiona seems happy with the imposter (who she belives is shrek)
than with him.
He comes to find out that the imposter is actually the son of the godmother and this is all a plot to steal the
throne. The story here takes a slight turn, aided to a small extent by fionas dad, who feels that he is doing
something wrong. And in the end, true love prevails....
The story is excellent, with the character animation being one step better. It doesnt seem like watching
an animation movie, they all seem so real !!! The humour is wonderful, a major portion of it
provied by the voice talent of eddie murphy. I loved this movie and so did my friends. And I hope u will too.
Rate my review as you see fit and please leave your comments.