I turned to The firm Amulya Architects, Shrushti interiors for interiors for my flat and my relatives flat. I had hrd tales of swindling interiors agencies fromf riends and decided to go w a known person as Amulya was a classmate. To start w she spoke big, the usual talk. Then came the designs, nothing spectacular thr, run of thw mill stuff. Then came implementation. The workmen were slow but thankfully akillwd ones, so the wood work is actually good. Howwver then came the completion. They claimwd they were done, while there remainwd gaping holes in walls, wires hanging out of electrical sockets, tiles broken down, house not cleaned after woodwork. It was a pathetic job of wrapping up the project. Madam and her fellow gunda claimed all done and we must pay up. We were shocked that this is turnkey!
When we demanded that work be completed she increased dues just like that. Talk about threat. Wonder if they know what is customer, let alone customer satisfaction!
And then her abuses, it was myfirst time paying my savings up to get abused over, ??.
However reading thw other reviews on this page, the ones that are not fake, makws me glad we were not worse hit, maybe she did indeed take pity on an old classmate.
During our unsavory end was when I realised the assault case they have been involved in ans thesw kinda reviews. Sheesh! I realised my folly, I trusted my savings wirhout researching enough.
I hope this servrs to cautioncaution Others. Please beware.