Shyam chi aai is a classical Marathi movie. It is based on a novel shamchi aai by sane guruji.
The story is the real life story of sane guruji. He tells this story to his jail mates when they ask him to tell how he managed to come in the freedom struggle and maintain such high moral standards in life.
Shyam with his family lives in some remote village of konkan area. His mother who lives in a joint family is very self possessed but due to her illness remains weak. She teaches many good moral and ethics to Shyam. The story has many such situation where she has to prove that Shyam is no less than any one else. One such incident is where she purposely pushes Shyam in to a well so that he can learn to swim.
Later when there are tensions in the family she has to part from their ancestral home and goes to live in a small hut from a majestic bungalow. But she accepts the conditions and teaches Shyam to accept it.
She sends him to a boarding school so that his education is completed some thing. But her illness now takes the form of a disease and she eventually dies. Shyam comes running from the boarding school. This scene is really very emotional.
The story is very natural and is a must see movie.
It was the first Marathi movie to get the swarna kammal samman in national movie awards. Its really deserving
This movie is really worth watching and the book “Shyam chi aai is worth reading