In Hyderabad we have number on Urdu newspaper on which Siasat Daily is one of the important, who occupy a very good name, position on our society its quite famous in all over the state, country and as well as world of Urdu Speaker. Internet is very common in now a days so everyone can read newspaper anywhere Through Internet. where.
If we compare Hardcopy and softcopy, both are parallel acceptable. Hardcopy will print once in a day and have fixed time and if we are looking for soft copy, i.e. web page on internet. It will update regularly according to the news and requirement. Sometime government have any important announcement for schools, offices or any government declaration. So they have to update news instantly on webpage and next day on hardcopy. To access a Web page is very easy now a days, everyone have smart mobiles with internet. So no need to carry newspaper hardcopy. It is just simple copy any news and save for future responses.
Siasat daily newspaper have hardcopy and as well as web page. On web page they have different option such as e-paper and web page with three different languages such as Urdu, Hindi and English. Normally it cover all over the local news of Hyderabad and Telengana and other state of India as well as world news. It cover the news such as Crime news, government news and announcement.
Classified and advertisement section, before we do not have internet at that time people are using this Classified section for multiple purpose. I.e. matrimonial, rentals, houses, plots and many more. From the newspaper not only the news agencies are earning. But common man are also earning from this newspapers. Such as add agencies(Who are binging add from public), Rental agents(Who is giving add in classified and earning), Matrimonial Agencies all other people who are earning from this newspapers. Newspaper are played an important role in our daily life. Some people are not start their work without checking the newspapers.