This Model I purchased in Year 2000. At time of purchase all sort of goodies were told about this model how it is better than other machines, all sort of comparision. But within 5 yrs of purchase we started facing problems in Spin mode of machine, after calling service engineer 3 times, a one fine afternoon service engineer visited our house as a expert and without touching machine announed that its motor is gone and I need to replace with new one COSTING- Rs 6500/- only..... When I asked its only 4.5 yrs old machine and motor is gone, then he revealed that motor life is only 20000 wash and that must be over by this time. This fact is never revealed in any of the technical broucher or told by dealer. This is very important technical specification which is being hidden by the company.
Request everybody to check this before throwing 19000/- in washing machine.