I wrote below paragraph as a comment in one of the washing machine review and later decided that the kind of service siemens provides need a separate post on its own. I am also reviewing model 1016 here and not 2020 as mentioned because I could find no other way to review a A1016 model in mouthshut.
Bought this one in the year 2007 and with premium price of about 23, 000. Infact it was 6-7K greater than what IFB has priced at that time. It started to give trouble recently and when a service engineer came to look at it , he asked to replace about 4 parts in the machine which costs around 8, 500. I can’t imagine a service charge which costs 1/3 rd of the machine cost and a service warranty of just 6 months. And yes the parts are not available immediately and would take upto 15 days and we have to pay 3/4th of the service amount upfront. Very pathetic experience at premium pricing.
Except for service and durability aspects I have rated this machine high because when it performed it infact did a wonderful job. But if you wanted to buy a front loading machine that lasts long, Siemens is probably not a right choice.