We pirchased this product in 2010. In June 2015 the drum started making noise and we had to replace it by paying Rs. 9500+ Rs. 800 visiting charges. In 4 months the drum once again has problems and they are demading again the same amount saying that the drum warranty is for 3 months. In addition we have paid for the service persons visit Rs. 800/-
We are a small family of 3 and the machine is not utilised much. Prior to this we had a LG machine which ran trouble free for 10 years and then we sold it in good condition.
I had good opinion about German product, but now I am convinced that even china could be better. I have similar experience with service of VW car which costs me twice as that of bigger honda car. These German product are bullshit and on top of it they charge you indecently in the name of service. Never fall pray.