I was a Sify broadband(wired) internet customer for more than 2 years. Suddenly, one day(2nd March 2013) my internet was disconnected. On enquiry, I came to know that Sify will not be providing this service anymore.
I has already purchased a 3 month plan before that, and used it for 1 month only. So, I lost my money for 2 months subscription.
Since, then I called Sify many times but no response.
The voice-machine gives a link(, which doesnt open. Then I wrote emails to all the addresses given on their website(customercare@sify.com, gomathi.sitaram@sifycorp.com, Nodal.officer@sifycorp.com, Appellate.authority@sifycorp.com) in May 2013. But there is no response from their side so far.
Besides losing about Rs. 550, my biggest concern is the horrible attitude of theSify people. How without any advance intimation, a company could stop its services, takes the money of the customers, and pays no attention to the correspondence of the customer. Could anybody suggest me, what should be done in this case?