I m from Mumbai and I use sify as my broadband connection.
i have Service Plan M256 which is total unlimited at 256 kbps
Something strange you cannot see cost or neither plan list on their website
it cost be something 1350..i feel decide by your loacl cable operator....i dont know wat actually it should be?
But its highly costly compare to exact or iqara.
Technically 256kpbs means I should aleast get 32kb download speed.
its ok I get 29kb-max & 11kb-min aleast!
But I m not happy about upload limit set by sify which is just 64kbps- 8kb!
And dialer really consumes lot of ram approx 6 mb(on fresh xp pro).
Taking about Uptime of sify server/router is good ...afaik its 97% uptime
but wen its home to my home connection uptime get sadly to just 60%
the reason for 40% of downtime is not actually sify but the local cable distrubuters.
Infrastructure is very bad aleast in my area are which handle by sonali cable vision and local cable operators.
This local cable operator really lack of skills and knowledge about internet, ethernet ...etc
they just dont how to crimp R45 connectors ..thats something very sad!
So they wait for networking guy be hire or something like that!
Note:- Even that networking guy does not follow the standard rules of networking..so I feel you should get a technically sounded guy for it!
Hubs & Switch used by them dont have capacity high network bandwidth loads.
Considering, Rainy season I just have to say dont buy or renew connection in rainy season its 100% money waste!
Conclusion:-i just dont have option currently bcoz I tried tata indicom broadband and pacenet (commonly known as pacenet chor).
But its use the same network that sify uses.No way out this problem!
Waiting for Tata DSL , MTNL unlimited plans or Reliance at my place!
Speed of ISP connection :- ok thats average!
Service & Support: :- 0 sucks
Connection Reliability :- 0 sucks