My second home
Internet is my second home! Something which keep me alive! Something which help me to fool around at home yet discharging my official duties! Something which keep me connected to my reportees in Manila and Chicago! Something which help me to network with all of you ----- Today circumstances lead me to get out of my home in search of an Internet Cafe! Yeah, for last 36 hours, I am struggling to get my broadband connection "up". Let me take you through the common mans experience with SIFY!
Your internet connection is done through a tunnel through which the data flows. The breadth of the tunnel is bandwidth and broadband means broader tunnel means less traffic, smooth flow. Broadband technology not only widens the channels you have, but it uses them more efficiently. Meaning you can get more out of the bandwidth that you have.
Theory ko maro Goli and get back to real life experience.
Why Sify?
Simple answer! TINA Syndrome - There is no alternative! I stay in an amazing corner of Pune where only Sify ventured with broadband connection. When options are limited, sometimes you need to accommodate Hobsons choice!
Initial encounters ----
The kid who was engaged to get me connection was one of the most amazing sales person whom I met in my entire life. He convinced me to opt a particular plan with an amazing logic "Sir, we have got the target to sell this plan as no body opt for this one. So, please help me to opt for this plan. In a months time you can change. I will get Rs.200/- more which means a lot to me". Honesty shall not be priced ---- I was convinced!
The cable wire & Internet Mafia
I am staying in the first floor (There are nine floors) of the building. The day I got connection, I was out of station. When I reached home, I couldnot believe the white cable dangling from ninth floor to the first floor and then taking a trajectory via my balcony to the bedroom window! It looks like a King Cobra / mal nourished python crawling from the ninth floor to my window!
Here starts the "Interpretation of maladies" ---
The sales guy who cried for Rs.200/- incentive turned out to be a lion "I cannot help you. All these activities are outsourced to Intermedia Cable Communications, Pune. Contact them"
Yes son - you wont get any incentive to help me henceforth! Thanks!
Well, do I need to mention that my internet connection was up only for 2 to 3 hours a day?
Service level ---
I was forced to believe the following
a) Broadband wont work when ever it rains. Broadband is prone to cold, fever etc. They need to take rest.
b) If there is traffic in pune city, internet tunnel will also be blocked! Amazed??? Yeah, due to the speed of truck, overloaded vehicles the "delicate darling" fibre optic cable will have heart break! Blame it to Pune Muncipal Corporation and Rash Drivers
c) Many Puneris love Sify! So, if they log into net continuously, it is quite obvious that your speed will be down!
d) Call Centre - Well, we are very clear that you shall not spend any single penny calling us! So, generally we wont pick up your call so that next time you wont venture for the same. Rest - in detail below.
Latest encounter
I was on tour and hence was not able to pay bill in cash in time. But I did try to transfer money online but it was failing. The call centre guy gave a typical answer "Blame it to your credit card, you might not have sufficient balance in your credit card ---" but later ensured that he will update the same from back end and will send someone to collect money from my residence!
On my return to Pune, I was shocked to note that my connection was not existing. Once again I dialled the call centre and got another amazing explanation "Did you ask for any service request number when the call centre person assured that he will update your account from back end?"
Poor me trusted them blindly and didnot ask for any number. I got assurance that the connection will be up in 6 hours and in 12 hours someone will come to collect money. This time I asked for SR number and he had gracefully given the number - 83335292
Never ending miseries
I contacted them in another 12 hours! Service Request number 83335292 does not exist! Goodness Heaven - Now? Finally the call centre agent mocked me "It is 8335292, you dont know our SR number does not have 8 digits?" Yeah - I was the Jailmate of Satyam Raju to know all this minute details! Now - Why my connection is not up? "Well, I assure you, it will be done in next six hours. I will take care of this"
Flashback ends - get back to updates of the hour ----
After 36 hours, I contacted them again! This time, no one was picking the phone.
Finally another lady who hesitated to share her name with a stranger picked the phone.
I was put on hold! The music played as "Tu hi re, Tu hi re, Tere Bina mein Kaise Jiyoon ---" Ahaaa, what a thoughtful selection of music!
She came back and the hilarious conversation was like this
Sajit - "Madam, you put me on hold for 2 minutes with out any reason"
Call Centre Girl - "I didnot hold you sir. You should have finished your job and called again"
Sajit - "Goodness, you dont understand English? Well leave it. Please give me status of service request number 8335292"
Call Centre Girl - "Excuse me, what is that? Service Number?"
God, what is happening? I need to teach her English and fundamentals of call centre also?
Sajit - You dont know what is service request number madam?
Call Centre Girl - Sorry, I am new. Also, no body speak in English in this number. Speak in Hindi!
I have almost lost it ---- still I tried to explain my problem! I need to book a ticket to Srinagar, I need to check the status of my shares in BSE, I need to check my mails ---- Ahhh!
Madam put me on hold again for ten minutes! Might be she took lessons about SR Number.
Finally she said " 66094200"
"What is this? Another SR Number?"
"No, this is the number of ICC, our vendor in Pune. Call them. They need to rectify this and not
Oh Duniya Ke Rakhwale -------
Ok, Dialled the said number. "Sir, 020-66094200. Extension 66. Vijay, he is the person responsible"
Thank god, he got the sense to inform me with Pune STD Code, Extension number and person responsible. Passing the complaint is continuing ----
And as of now Vijay Saab is having seven course dinner and might attend to this poor customer!
I dont know whether he is having the habit of having nap after lunch! I need to do work, I need to shout ---- So, after 7 years I searched for an internet cafe. I am here --- the net speed is amazingly slow here! Seems, nothing is working properly!
I called the cafe owner "You also use Sify Internet?"
"What are you saying sir? This is Sify I Way, the largest internet cafe chain in the country. You didnot see the board? We just started operation here in Kharadi"
Ahhh ----- mishaps came together! My network is down now!