Please read mail chain with sify consumer support guys. Starting from below -
Please tell your team that there is no need to do anything as I am planning to pick other internet service provider from my area. The only thing you can do is please get me rid of that piece of Internet connection cable from my flat as it is not of any use. Thanks for your magnificent service. I have copied (BCC) all my acquaintances so that they also will be conscious of your superfine service.
I was planning to register my complain on consumer forum but seriously I have found dozens are already there, Please refer one of the review site
No need to reply with any confession mail.
Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you for contacting Sify customtakeoutercare.
This is with reference to your mail, kindly accept our sincere apologies for the inconveniences caused. Kindly note that we are making necessary checks regarding your mail and the team will do the needful at the earliest.
The reference number for the same is : 10813498
Thank you for giving us an opportunity to serve you !
Warm Regards
We are available 24*7 to service our customtakeouters.
Please escalate my problem "10813498" as problem still persist .. it
resolved for just a day. I want to reopen my complaint ASAP. Otherwise
let me know when should I approach to consumer forum.
User ID - Saxena_pune
Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you for contacting Sify customtakeoutercare.
With reference to your mail, We apologize for the inconvenience caused
to you and it is most unfortunate that, despite our good
intentions and endeavours, you have had to undergo some discomfitures.
We have taken your complaint to our technical team who will be sending
our field engineer to analyze & rectify the issue.
The reference number for the same is : 10813498
Kindly mention your reference number when you contact us again
pertaining to this enquiry.
Kindly bear with us in the interim and extend your co-operation.
Thank you for giving us an opportunity to serve you !
Warm Regards
We are available 24*7 to service our customtakeouters.
Please let me know about the procedure of closing Sify broadband
connection ASAP. I am annoyed with the service which sify is giving
to its customtakeouter. I dont know about the other victims of sify. But I am
using (Trying to) sify internet connection since last 6 months and
problem which I am getting is based on electricity provided in that
area.Sify broadband hub setup was on building nearby my apartment
1st Problem - Internet connectivity is totally based on electricity
that particular building ... even few times I am not able to connect
when there is electricity is up on that particular building.
2nd Problem - Internet connection provided in my area is from some
guy named "Patil cable network". So my internet connection is directly
based to my dish cable connection... dont know why internet
connection required my dish connection up.
Also they do not mention any proper complaint register ... I am
calling my local connection provider since last weekend on his mobile...
Please try to maintain some registered complaint number type system. Also
please let me know is my installation charge is refundable or not coz
I am not using that piece of wire anymore in my flat.
Thanks & Regards
Priyesh Saxena