I use internet a lot in my office. But didnt go for internet in my home because there was no affordable UNlimited package. One day a Sify Sales person came to my apartment giving me a brochure of Sify Broadband saying they provide 64kbps unlimited. I asked him so many times that this is true and he was very sure about that.
After I said go ahead for the connection a local cable operator came and done the connection, Zooom the sify guy dissappeared..
After using the connection I came to know that its NOT UNLIMITED But 150 MB per day also 1 day validitity will be cut for every 10MB..That means if we use 440 MB on the first day. your 30 day validity package will vaporize. Like what we Did :(.
Also the Support is simply S*#T. They are totally un professional.
Finally I was using this for quite sometime coz I did want to lose my 3500 installation charges. month before last month the CTO(Funny! its Cable TV Operator) who is incharge of the local cabling demanded 100 Rs for the maintanance..(which he never does in time). I said no..and that stupid guy unpluged my connection in router. Thats it end of story. No response from that guy sify customer care every day said that the connection will be restored tommorrow every time I call. I finally I spoke to the supervisor of the customer care team and he made the big statement SIFY DEPENDS ON LOCAL CABLE TV OPERATOR so he cant help. last 2 months iam back to squre one.Choosing SIFY is the biggest mistake I have done.
-- and later --
I have switched over to Dataone Broadband Home 500 Plan [1 GB] Free.
Iam using this for alleast 4 months now. 0 Downtime So far. Speed is preety decent. Above all when they say 2:00 am - 8:00 am unlimited. ITS IS UNLIMITED.
So I recommend any of you using Sify can switch to Dataone. Dont worry about the installation charges. Its is free if you have a BSNL Landline Connection. And modem is also preety cheap [Rs.1200]. my initial cost was 1200 +10 for the patch cable.