Well friends, I got a different opinion as of today. Sify broadband service is gone from Bad to worse.
Listen to my plight..i had renewed my broadband account 3 months in advance and paid money online. Just after one month of service...connectivity was down. On complaining with Sify callcenter they said it woul be attended shortly, but to no avail. Finally Sify said theres problem between Sify and local cablewala...and that they would not be able to provide connectivity any longer? Ghost I said...how can they do this and what about money I had paid? Sify assured me that I would be refunded immediately....
Everytim I call up the callcenter, they say they will revert back on the payment, But sorry to say..till date they have not called me back (even after promising everytime)..nor gave me any refund....Friends..BEWARE OF SUCH SERVICE PROVIDER........