Mercy can do wonders curses can Cripple us.
Dear Sir,
Please help. Our car no DL9AV1734 white Triber.
We love our one-year-old Triber untill someone hit our car from behind. So we gave it to authorised service centre at Mayapuri New Delhi on 8 Nov 2021. The car was to be repaired under zero debt claim from Reliance Insurance.
On 24Nov 2021 they told us to come and take the delivery of Triber. At around 12 pm on 24 Nov 2021, we called service centre that we are coming to pick our car is it ready.
I was told by mAnasultanger service centre that we are very sorry to inform you that your car was hit from the front in washing area due to negligence of our staff, damaging front Bumper, Bonet & Left Hand Side Pillar. I was shocked to hear this. Though they offered to repair at their own cost.
Supreme Court of India judgement, car financer is Actual of the car & also we told them to inform Reliance Insurance.
But they did not listen to us and they hurriedly started repairing our car. Now I dont trust them & they dont have good staff so I have decided first let the Renault Finance confirm that the damaged pillar amounts to total loss actualy they are doing denting and repainting of some areas, now this looks odd in the white car where roof colour is dull white and these three parts look bright white. Now the front portion has engine radiator A/c fittings, battery electrical parts which are mainly made of plastic these days. So we told them we are not sure about the strength of the car if we go to hill stations with this damaged pillar and full capacity as we are 7 family members. So we dont want to take risks.
Now there is one more problem which we dont know how to tackle. As the Insurance record shows car was repaired from back and repainted bumper, Bonet & pillar are not mentioned. This means we are hiding this accident in the record but it is visible when any expert who comes to buy this car as second party Depriciation of value is due to this, now we dont want this car as we have to aishwaryasingh23 EMI of 11443 for next 48 months, which comes to 5.5 lakhs but the value of this car is offered around 3 lakhs to us.
We have requested the Renault Dealer he is not helping us to resolve this issue, we went to the Gurgaon office of Renault India one Mr Prabhat Joshi said that company can give you two years service coupons worth 11000 each. We told them as the car is damaged from the front you know in future there will be problems so your service coupons as compensation we dont want. Then the Owner of dealership called Mr Sukhmeet Sethi and offered an additional one year extended warranty, we told him sir mostly all parts are plastic these days, if some part has cracks and they break when we use this car then your warranty will not be for plastic parts.
We are emotionally attached to our car as it was a gift to my wife on our 25th Marriage Anniversary. But with all these unwanted incidents we suffer for no fault of ours. Last 3 months EMI of 11443 was paid while car is in service centre.
Renault India is not helping we dont have any number whom to contact as their common toll-free number and email gives reply that your case is referred to the concerned department and will soon revert back.
Now service centre is sending email to take your car otherwise we will charge 250/- per day from you.
Where to go if we go to court till take 10/20 years if we stop aishwaryasingh23ing EMI our cibil will be destroyed. Can we all customers together send at least one email on these email ids of company requesting them to help us?
Social media has given us this platform to raise our voices.
Anyone who can guide us on this matter may please call 9599376700
Sharad Srivastava