As a student of the Sikkim university I feel the best period was my experience of my exams
When I first looked at the exam I used last year, I realized that it would not be very effective in helping me to collect any evidence of learning. First of all, I already have that evidence of my distance learning exams. Most of them will have the exam fever, I too had the same, but still I managed , I asked myself, Do I still need this final exam? What is it going to show me what I have already how much i have learned about course content. & what will be result of it by participating in it. There’s no doubt, in my mind at least, that a well tended course can deliver more information about what a student has learned than just about any standardized exam we can come up with
Every student will be worried what type of questions will come, how will it be very tough paper/easy paper, Unless, of course the standardized exam is to identify and reflect upon the learning of an individual students performance, I also was worried a bit the same way, but when I saw the first subject objective type it was so simple enough and easy that I couldn’t imagine at all it was all an objective type which was very easy and understandable. I got little courage to do it , I felt as though I had done my exams very well.
Take the goals and objectives of the class. Heck, for that matter, take the state standards and say to students “Here, find where you’ve done this.