Having been to many resorts in South India in similar price range we had certain expectations from this place and on arrival, it was dampened.
The place was not picture-perfect. In fact it looked like a run down place, the cottages very basic (with easy access for the insects), the furniture just bare minimum. The problem I felt was not so much with maintenance but the way this place was designed. If the objective was to keep these as a bunch of village huts then probably they met their objectives. But seeing snails and frogs in the bathroom was not our objective.
Well, there were brighter sides too. The staff, during our 2-day stay was very courteous. They tried to take care of everything that we had asked for - be it cleaning the room, providing food that we liked and whenever we wanted it, fixing the cable tv or even giving us some small plants to take home with us. We realized that some smiling and willing faces can remove irritations quite fast.
The food quality was reasonably good though some dishes were too spicy. However, they tried to bring variety, giving us taste of some local dishes.
The natural view from the resort is not worth mentioning. There are green mountains with lot of trees and some cultivation. But not something worth taking photographs.
This place is probably good for corporates doing team building exercises - there are vollyeball courts, swimming pool and open space. For individual travelers - I am not so sure. Unfortunately there are limited options in Kudremukh area.