is a Chennai based company and advertises its
Cheap hosting/domain reign services all over the net.
We too had fallen for it and booked/hosted a domain with them.
When the time to renewal came, they promptly sent a Computer generated
reminder. We sent them multiple affirmative mails, requesting details
of company name for the cheque to be favoring etc. No luck. The phones
too were going to some ladys house.
Finally a net hunt found the numbers, by now our request had become
pleading the time to re-register had expired.
I managed to get
their MD - Natarajan, a man with obvious attitude..and explained the
situation. His voice tone and ATTITUDE obviously brought the angst out
of us as well, especially since their company had caused us to default
on our timely re-registration.
Finally he gave us our domain back, only after charging us a packet
(imagine he offers 999 as a deal, and here he charged us close to
Worst was yet to come, we had to beg them umpteen times to get control
panel login details, Since then we have been trying to replace our
files on our website.. and have use the necessary ftp loading. However
the old index files refuse to budge.. and in spite of formal mails, and
speaking to their staff.. no luck.
We are still exactly where we were..
Worse still.. is that their MD too does not revert to his mails. The
bigger you grow.. the harder you fall.. is something he has yet to
Be Careful... be very careful.