My son has been A+ in the current school. But I wanted my sons learning attitude to change from conventional rote learning to curious, proactive method.
So we brought our son to appear for the admission test of class VII.
School principal told us that he did not do well in Maths. He lacked on creative side as far as Engish is concerned. No problem with Hindi though.
She told us he would have to struggle in the new school and we as parents would need to really provide him with a lot of guidance in the beginning. She told us to think hard before making a decision to admit him. We thought and decided to put him there anyway. After a week, we called up the school. The school now gave us a contradictory message that my son would have to reappear for the test in the next 1 or 2 months.
I have following issues with the school:
1) Why did the school give out contradictory message by not asking for retest first time itself?
2) How does the school expect us to bring in a change where he is more "creative" in 1 or 2 months so that he meets their "standard"?
Thats exactly the reason why we wanted to change the school.
3) School also said it will not be able to make any attitudinal shift in my son at a standard as high as 7th.
Why does the school open its admission to higher standards in that case?
My conclusion - The school is basically looking for students who can already score very good marks in their tests so that they dont have to work hard on the new students.