My flight got delayed by 12 hours due to a technical snag in the aircraft (or as they call it for any problem). To pacify the waiting passengers, Air Deccan announced that they will provide a free ticket on any Air Deccan route.
They have a "CaptainsOffer" which entitles the passengers for a free ticket if the flight gets delayed by 3hrs or questions asked. So we were given a offer letter which stated that we were eligible for a free ticket. But the happiness of the free ticket was only momentarary.
Two days later I mailed the Air Deccan guys stating the new travel details I required along with a scanned copy of the offer letter to get my new free ticket. They responded after 10 days stating that I cannot avail free tickets on the date mentioned as it falls in the holiday period. Nowwhere in the offer letter it was mentioned.
So I changed my travel details and mailed another schedule. Again after 10 days they tell me that the tickets are not available. I questioned them on this and have still not received any response. In between mails I twice called up the Air Deccan head office at Bangalore only to be put on hold for 15 - 20 min with no one responding. Finally I hung up saving my cellphone bills.
Its been more than a month and I feel I am begging for the free ticket. I am seriously planning to go to consumer court on this.
So guys, if your flight gets delayed and you get a offer letter...dont be happy. Its just a mirage.