You would imagine that with all the flak that Air Deccan gets for not being on time, no one would touch it with a barge pole.
I did so at my own peril(read low cost) when I booked it not once but twice to Goa and Coimbatore.
Guess what - a) the flight took off on time & more importantly b) the flight experience was extremely pleasant .
First things first, they now have 2 air stewardess and they certainly were very helpful and pleasant.
The trip to coimbatore to and fro were memorable.
However the trip back from Goa was a bit stifling as it was bustling with kids.(man I hate screaming travellers).
All in all except for the fosg in Delhi, Air Deccan certainly seems to have puilled its socks up with both ground staff and on air doing a decent job.
Heres hoping they continue to do so this year as well and may we have another Southwest success story in India.(hope the cash coffers keep ringing, and just incase you are wondering " I dont work for Air Deccan").