God!!!!!! I would suggest u think 100 times to fly deccan airways..if u would ask me which is the bad airlines in indian skys it air deccan.they have no gud service at the deck, no gud hospitality, and all the board crews r raudies in there..whn it comes to baggaing thy make their own rules and dont foll the airport rules..if u ask me abt time keeping I say for thm is the late bird gets the kick and gallies so call by the people.i xperice was a miserable 1.i fly frequently bangalore mumbai sector..and the flight that had had to tak of at 8pm took of at 1.am at night ist..and lanted mumdai at 2.30 am. and on board we have to pay for food and have I have never seen an airline take mony on board for food..the air hostess are so rude to the passenger.thy treat thm like slaves.thy speak so erogently with the passenger.its so bat to say that r thy doing service or mehiarbani to the people.the flight is so bad condition.on the whole I had a roller coastr ride fm bangalore-mumbai.