If all the reviews on Air Deccan were to be used as a yardstick to form an opinion, it is evident that peopleve had more unpleasant experiences than pleasant, with this airline.
However, Id like to begin by saying that the reason for our frustration many a times, is expectation. Weve been used to all the pampering with other private airlines, which probably has got us used to a certain standard of service. Needless to say, we tend to complain and crib about everything when we do not experience the same that weve been used to.
I am not for one moment trying to justify or discount the poor service experiences that many a passengers of Air Deccan have had. For that matter, I too have been a victim of their last minute announcements of delays. To the extent that, on one particular instance, all passengers were shut up inside the boarding transfer coach for at least 25 minutes with no information, in scotching summer heat, before being set free and informed that the flight was delayed. Now this by no standards is an acceptable service experience but this was the only time where I thought that there was a genuine need for improvement. This was not my only unpleasant experience in the dozen odd travels that Id made with Air Deccan, but, what I am trying to get at is that, this was the only time where I felt the experience as unacceptable.
One needs to be sensitive, to the fact that this is an Economy Airline and that they have presented themselves to us so. If they were to be able to provide us immaculate service and flying experience, then they would rather call themselves a premium airline and charge us a price for it. Which, of course, they are not.
The way I enjoy my flight with them is by being prepared for the worst. I know, inordinate delays are definitely not part of my expectation, but everything else is.
So, I really dont mind if the check in counter staff does not smile at me..... or if they do not have enough check in counters and I need to stand in a long queue to get my boarding pass... or probably be at the airport a bit earlier that usual to avoid the long queue..... or the fact that they do not fly a Boeing or Airbus to my preferred destination..... or that they do not serve food on board and I have to buy what I want.... or the fact that the in flight attendants do not help me with my luggage.... or the free seating convention which in the typical Indian scenario leads to crowding, jostling, elbowing, pushing and all that at the boarding gate...... ( I really dont understand why they have the free seating concept and whether it has something to do with cost....)
What Id rather worry about is a clean aircraft with clean seats, conducive temperature, tolerable co-passengers, safe flight, on-time departures & arrivals and better connectivity to my preferred destinations. And I have had all of these almost all the time Ive traveled with Air Deccan.
I admit that in an attempt to turn around the aircraft faster for the next flight, Air Deccan does sometimes compromise on their in cabin cleanliness. One would very often find empty water bottles and plastic bags left behind by the previous passengers. And the floor strewn with remnants of food. Now, this is not really something that anyone would like to put up with in the name of economy air travel. But, I guess, were still better off than what weve experienced in the good old Indian Railways.
Ive had only 2 experiences where the flight has been delayed, but not more than an hour on both instances. And thankfully, the delay was factored in for, knowing Air Deccan. So it was alright and not really a frustrating or tense situation. And delay is something one experiences with other airlines as well.
But what makes it the preferred airline is the affordability. With a little bit of advance planning and the convenience of on-line booking and cancellation, Ive had occasions where my air travel has worked out half the price of other airlines and saved me arduous journeys lasting days in a train or bus. Also, Ive had a few occasions where my air ticket has worked out to be cheaper or at par with bus or train fares.
For this advantage, I really dont mind compromising a little bit on luxury especially when I am traveling on personal expense.
My thought is that, if one were to decide traveling with Air Deccan with this psyche, one could enjoy the experience better and be happy about the fact that they are in business.