I hv read `n numbers of -ve reviews of deccan, but I hv never faced such issues with me (I hv travelled over 10 times with AD in the last 1year or so.)
Of late I travelled from Kolkata to Chennai on 24.07.07. the flight took off & landed dot on time. On the way back on 28.07.07 it took off on time but landed about 5 mins late.
The most noticeable part is that AD is assigning seat nos. (but still some people rush to the aircraft as per their old habits).
The worst part still is late baggage arrival & on the MAA-CCU sector found they dont hv hot water on-board & hv to spend the flight without a cuppa coffee.
However the ground staff & cabin crew were coutious.
Still at the fare AD oprates (with often schemes through-in) it does make lot of sense.